Gravity began in response to an article, “Antarctic Ice Melt Causes Small Shift in Gravity”. According to the information presented in the article, gravity is not necessarily as constant as we think. It varies slightly depending on where you are on the Earth's surface and the density of the rock beneath you feet. Or, in this case, the ice. During a four-year mission, the European Space Agency satellite documented changes in the Antarctic region where land ice has been melting very quickly. The loss of ice from between 2009 and 2012 has caused a dip in the regional gravity field, in addition to committing global sea levels to rise several meters over the next few hundred years. 

Using the cyanotype process and ice in various formations, the melting ice creates an image while simultaneously processing the print. Some of these blue prints conjure thoughts of floating on quickly diminishing ice chunks in the vast blue seas, while the threat of slowly sinking beneath the surface of the water looms. Others imagine a topographic view of the frozen tundra, perhaps taken from the ESA satellite. Both intend to inspire pause and contemplation of our actions and the impact on our environment.